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IQ Test Example

What is an IQ test?

An IQ test is an evaluation that measures one’s cognitive abilities. An IQ test provides a score that serves as a measure of someone’s range of intellectual abilities and potential. IQ tests are among the most common psychological tests.

While there are many different tests which utilize similar types of exercises to generate their scores, it is also important to note the many differences between each of the IQ tests. These differences also include unique scoring procedures and different emphases given between one test and another.

Why I need an IQ Test?

IQ tests are used for a wide array of purposes, such as:

  • Assessment and placement within the education system
  • Targeting and improving specific mental abilities
  • Performing cognitive research
  • Evaluating cognitive abilities like memory, speed, and attention

Common modern intelligence tests usually focus on abilities such as mathematics, memory, spatial perception, as well as language skills. More important tested skills include the capacity to see relationships between elements, problem solving, and remembering information seen for the first time and so they are often what IQ tests focus on mostly.

What do IQ Test Results Mean?

An IQ score can be used to compare a person’s intellectual abilities with those of other people in their age group. However, most IQ tests use a similar general format and structure. Here’s a brief overview of how an IQ test might go:

  1. You will be given a series of verbal, mathematical, and spatial reasoning questions to answer. These questions may be presented in a variety of formats, such as multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or matching.
  2. Usually, there will be a set time limit to complete the questions. The time limit varies depending on the test and the age of the test taker, but it is typically around 15-20 minutes for each section of the test.
  3. Your answers are scored automatically, based on the number of questions answered correctly and the difficulty level of the questions.
  4. After calculating the answers, the score is compared to the scores of other people to determine the IQ. Most IQ tests use a standard score, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. This means that about 68% of people will score within one standard deviation of the mean (between 85 and 115), and about 95% of people will score within two standard deviations (between 70 and 130).
  5. Finally, you will receive your IQ score as a single number, together with an interpretation of the score. For example, an IQ score of 130 is interpreted as “very superior intelligence.”

How to interpret an IQ Test Score?

Here are some general guidelines for interpreting IQ test scores:

  • A score between 85 and 114 is considered “average” intelligence.
  • A score between 115 and 144 is considered “above average” or “superior” intelligence.
  • A score between 145 and 159 is considered “very superior” intelligence.
  • A score above 160 is considered “extremely superior” intelligence.

What Do I Get after taking the test?

  1. You will get your IQ score which will reveal the unique configuration of your mental capabilities. You could also choose to see how your results compare with those of others who have taken the test.

    Your test results will be available via a unique link that will hold the data for as long as you want.

  2. You will be able to share it on social media and attach it to your LinkedIn profile or CV.
  3. You will also get a detailed personalized intelligence report in PDF.
  4. You will get a printable version certificate of your test score that shows you completed the IQ test.

80000+ people have taken the IQ Brain Test, here is their feedback

How our test differs from others?

We have developed the most robust and easily accessible online IQ test. With our test you will be able to assess all these following thinking skills without the need to physically leave your home! Our test is developed to measure:

Language skills
Mathematical abilities
Reasoning abilities
Processing speed
Visual-spatial processing

How to prepare for the test?

Many people say you cannot prepare for an IQ test. One given reason is because a good intelligence test is culture fair, which means that it does not test for culturally influenced knowledge. It must not require any linguistic, arithmetic, mathematical, scientific, or historical expertise. Their argument states that having great knowledge of any of these subjects does not reveal whether you have high, low, or average IQ.

As true as the cultural-fairness argument may be, scientists have proven that you can indeed increase your intelligence and practice for an IQ test. This can be done by improving your memory and by performing exercises which commonly appear on IQ tests. This means that, despite the popular idea, any person definitely can prepare for the IQ test by practicing with existing IQ tests.

Before taking the IQ test, it is important to rest well, eat and drink properly. If you attempt to perform the test on an empty stomach, or while hungry, your results might suffer. Being well rested and fed means that you can take the IQ test in a relaxed and focused state of mind.

IQ Test - FAQ

What is an IQ Test?
An IQ test measures someone's cognitive abilities or intelligence in relation to their age group. Results are generally reported as an IQ score, which is a standard score that can be used to compare a person's cognitive abilities with those of others their age.
What does an IQ score measure?
The IQ score measures a person's general intelligence or cognitive abilities. Most IQ tests include a mix of verbal, mathematical, and spatial reasoning questions. The score is based on the number of questions answered correctly and the difficulty level of the questions.
What are IQ tests used for?
There are lots of reasons to take an IQ test. Schools and companies use IQ tests to identify students and employees with high intellectual potential. There's a chance these people will be considered for gifted and talented programs or leadership positions. IQ tests can also diagnose learning disabilities or intellectual disabilities in people who have trouble at school. Tests like these can help identify areas of cognitive weakness and help develop treatments. An IQ test is often used to determine or suggest the right kind of education and occupation based on a person's cognitive abilities. When selecting candidates for a college or graduate program, an IQ test might be administered. It could also be used for employee selection. Research on intelligence and cognitive abilities also uses IQ tests. These tests can be used to study the relationship between intelligence and other factors, like genetics, the environment, and education.
What type of Questions are included on an IQ Test?
Verbal reasoning questions test your ability to understand, analyze, and interpret written information. Test takers might have to identify logical relationships between words or ideas based on the context of a word. Questions about mathematical reasoning: These test your ability to solve problems and understand concepts. Mathematical reasoning questions may require you to do calculations, solve equations, or interpret graphs. Questions about spatial reasoning: These test your ability to think in three dimensions. Test takers might have to manipulate objects in their minds or identify patterns in visual stimuli to answer spatial reasoning questions. Logical reasoning questions: These questions test how well you can analyze logical arguments. Test takers might have to evaluate the logic of a statement or identify the strengths and weaknesses of an argument.
How is an IQ test Calculated and scored?
The format and structure of most IQ tests are similar. You have to answer verbal, mathematical, and spatial reasoning questions, and you get a score based on how many you get right and how hard the questions are. Then your score is compared to other people in your age group. A standard IQ test has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.To calculate an IQ score, test takers' raw scores on the various tasks are converted into a standard score with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. This process allows test developers to compare an individual's performance to the performance of a large, representative sample of people of the same age. For example, if someone scores in the top 2% of their reference group on a particular task, their score would be higher than 98%. It would mean a standard score of 130 or higher on that task, which is considered highly gifted.
What is a "normal" IQ score?
A typical IQ test usually has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. About 68% of people will score between 85 and 115 standard deviations from the mean, and about 95% will score between 70 and 130 standard deviations. It's usually considered "normal" or "average" to have an IQ score in this range.
What is a "good" IQ score?
A "good" IQ score is subjective and can depend on the specific test and the context in which it is used. However, most IQ tests use a standard score, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. This means that about 68% of people will score within one standard deviation of the mean (between 85 and 115), and about 95% of people will score within two standard deviations (between 70 and 130). Here are some general guidelines for interpreting IQ test scores: A score between 80 and 100 is considered "average" intelligence. A score between 100 and 120 is considered "above average" or "superior" intelligence. A score between 120 and 140 is considered "very superior" intelligence. A score above 140 is considered "extremely superior" intelligence.
What IQ Score is Considered Genius?
'Genius' usually refers to someone who has exceptional intelligence or talent, but there's no IQ score that defines genius. An IQ score of 130 or higher is generally considered "gifted" by the American Psychological Association. People also consider IQ scores over 140 to be genius levels. Based on the standard deviation of intelligence scores, a score of 100 is average, and a score of 15 points above or below the mean is one standard deviation. This definition says a score of 140 or higher is very rare, with only 0.25% of the population having this score.
What does it mean if my IQ score is above or below the "normal" range?
It's generally considered "above average" or "superior" if your IQ score is over 115. If your IQ score is below 85, you're usually considered "below average" or "deficient." It's important to note that these are just general guidelines, so IQ scores can be interpreted in different ways depending on the test and the context.
How can I prepare for an IQ test?
There is no specific way to "prepare" for an IQ test, as the test is designed to measure innate cognitive abilities rather than learned knowledge. However, some tips for doing well on an IQ test might include getting a good night's sleep before the test, staying relaxed and focused during the test, and trying to stay calm if you encounter questions that are difficult or unfamiliar.
Can an IQ test accurately measure intelligence?
IQ tests are designed to measure a specific set of cognitive skills, and they may not capture other important aspects of intelligence, such as creativity, emotional intelligence, or practical problem-solving skills. Additionally, IQ test scores can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as motivation, test-taking skills, and cultural background. As a result, it is important to interpret IQ test scores with caution and to consider them in the context of other relevant information about a person's abilities.
Are IQ tests fair?
There have been arguments about the fairness of IQ tests, arguing that they may be biased against certain groups of people or may not reflect someone's true intelligence. While some IQ tests have biases, many modern IQ tests are designed to be as fair and unbiased as possible. All tests can be influenced by a variety of factors, and no test is 100% fair or objective.
Are IQ tests accurate?
It's considered reliable and valid to measure cognitive abilities with IQ tests. Nevertheless, no test is perfect, and there may be some error or variability. Additionally, IQ tests are just one way to measure intelligence, and there are many other ways to be smart.
Can my IQ score change over time?
Research shows that IQ scores change a bit over time, especially in early childhood and adolescence. The change is usually small and may not be statistically significant. IQ scores may also go up slightly with education and cognitive training, according to some studies.
Can I improve my IQ score?
Certain activities, such as education and cognitive training, may increase IQ a little. It's important to remember that intelligence is a complex trait influenced by a lot of factors, so no single intervention will boost someone's IQ by much.
Is there a "genetic" component to IQ?
Intelligence is influenced by genetics, but it's not the only factor. The environment can also affect cognitive abilities, like nutrition, education, and social experiences.
How are IQ questions invented?
Psychologists or experts in cognitive psychology typically design IQ questions. There are several steps to creating an IQ test or question: Identifying the test's purpose: The first step in creating an IQ test is figuring out what it's going to measure and what it's going to measure. A test can be designed to assess specific cognitive abilities by reviewing existing research on intelligence. Create test items: Once the purpose of the test is determined, test developers can start creating test items. They can be based on existing tests or they can be completely original. Test the items: Before an IQ test is given to a large group of people, it's typically pilot-tested on a smaller group to make sure it's reliable and valid. This involves giving the test to the pilot group and analyzing their scores to make sure the test is measuring what it should. Depending on the results of the pilot test, the test can be revised and refined to improve its reliability and validity. Test items may need to be added, removed, or modified. Once the test is finalized, it can be given to a larger group. After the test, the results can be analyzed and used to identify strengths and weaknesses. I should mention that creating an IQ test is a complex process that involves a lot of research and development. Test developers work to make sure that IQ tests are reliable, valid, and culturally fair, since their goal is to accurately assess cognitive abilities.
What Jobs Require IQ Tests?
Some jobs require IQ tests as part of the selection process. Some of these jobs require workers to have advanced cognitive skills or to learn and adapt quickly. Here are some jobs that may require an IQ test: Some military and law enforcement jobs require applicants to take an IQ test. Tests like these can help determine an individual's problem-solving abilities. Technical or scientific jobs may also require applicants to take an IQ test as part of the selection process. These tests may be used to assess an individual's aptitude for math and science, which most IQ tests examine, as well as their ability to understand and analyze complex information. Some professional positions, such as management or executive roles, may also require applicants to take an IQ test as part of the selection process. Since managers need to solve complex problems quickly in their daily work routines, IQ tests are used to target those best suited for this type of high-level jobs.
What Happens if I Get All the Questions Right in an IQ Test?
If you get all of the questions correct on an IQ test, it is likely that you will score very high on the test. The exact score that you receive will depend on the specific test that you are taking, as well as the norms or standards that are used to interpret the test results. Most IQ scores fall within a certain range and a smaller number fall at the high and low ends of the scale, but they're typically distributed in a bell-shaped curve throughout society. If you get all the questions right on an IQ test, you're likely to score in the top 5% of test takers and be considered highly intelligent.
What is the hardest IQ test?
There isn't one "hardest" IQ test since different tests can target different cognitive abilities and challenge different people differently. There are some tests that are considered harder than others, like Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices, Cattell Culture Fair III, and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). These tests may require more time and effort to complete than other types of intelligence tests.
What are the Hardest IQ Test Questions?
A hard IQ test question is difficult to pinpoint, since different questions are harder or easier for different people, and there's no one "correct" way to measure intelligence. Different tests can focus on different areas of cognitive ability and may have more or less difficult questions. That being said, some examples of challenging questions that might be found on an IQ test include: A logical reasoning question requires the test taker to analyze and interpret complex information in order to draw a conclusion. A spatial reasoning question that requires the test taker to manipulate and transform mental images. A verbal reasoning question that requires the test taker to evaluate the relationships between words and concepts
How Can I Get a Higher IQ score?
There's no one way to "get a higher IQ score," because intelligence is a complex trait that's influenced by genetics, the environment, and experiences. Nevertheless, research shows that certain activities and behaviors can contribute to cognitive development and even improve intelligence. Here are a few suggestions that may help you boost your IQ: Play brain-challenging games like puzzles, crosswords, chess, or other games that require problem-solving. Get a good education: Research has shown that education is associated with improved cognitive abilities and higher IQ scores. Get enough sleep: Sleep is important for brain function and can help with memory, learning, and problem-solving. Eat a healthy diet: A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods may support brain health and cognitive function. Stay physically active: Physical activity has been shown to have a positive effect on brain function and may improve cognitive abilities.
How can I Succeed in an IQ Test and Improve My Score?
There are a few strategies you can use to succeed in an IQ test: Practice: Some tests may include practice questions or sample tests that you can use to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions that will be asked. By practicing, you can improve your test-taking skills and increase your confidence. Stay focused: IQ tests can be challenging, and it's important to stay focused and concentrate on each question. If you get stuck on a question, try to take a deep breath and relax. You can also try to break the question down into smaller parts or consider it from different angles. Manage your time: Most IQ tests are timed, and it's important to manage your time effectively. Make sure to read and understand each question carefully before answering and try to pace yourself so that you have enough time to complete all of the questions. Stay calm: It's natural to feel a little nervous before taking an IQ test, but try to stay as calm as possible. Take deep breaths and try to focus on the task at hand. Get a good night's sleep: Make sure to get a good night's sleep before the test. Research has shown that sleep is important for brain function and can help with memory, learning, and problem-solving. By following these strategies, you may be able to improve your performance on an IQ test and achieve a higher score.
What are the Benefits of an Online IQ Test?
Online IQ tests have several advantages over live IQ tests administered by a professional: The first thing is convenience: You can take online IQ tests from anywhere you have an internet connection, which may be more convenient than going to a testing center. The second benefit is immediate results. Online IQ tests often provide instant results, which can be helpful for people who need to know their score right away. The third is cost: Online IQ tests may be less expensive than live tests administered by a professional. Lastly, Variety: There are many different online IQ tests available, so individuals may have more options to choose from.
What is the oldest test for measuring intelligence?
In the late 19th century, Sir Francis Galton developed the first known intelligence test. Galton was a British scientist and cousin of Charles Darwin, the father of intelligence studies. "Galton's Scale of Mental Ability" measures cognitive abilities like memory, perception, and problem-solving through a series of simple tasks. In the early 20th century, French psychologist Alfred Binet developed the first widely used intelligence test. Binet was asked by the French government to come up with a test to identify kids who weren't performing at grade level. As a result, they'd get extra help. The test, called the "Binet-Simon Scale," assessed a range of cognitive abilities and was widely used as the basis for other intelligence tests. The tests developed by Galton and Binet are considered to be among the oldest intelligence tests. However,ut a lot more have been developed since then, and the field of intelligence testing keeps growing.
What Live Applications Does an IQ Test Have?
There are a variety of live applications for IQ tests, including: Educational and occupational testing: IQ tests are often used to assess cognitive abilities and identify areas of strength and weakness in educational or occupational settings. This may involve administering an IQ test as part of the admissions or hiring process for a particular program or job. Clinical and research settings: IQ tests are also commonly used in clinical and research settings to assess cognitive abilities and identify possible learning disabilities or other cognitive impairments. Military and law enforcement: IQ tests are sometimes used in the military and law enforcement as part of the selection and evaluation process for candidates. Coaching and tutoring: Some individuals may choose to take an IQ test as part of a coaching or tutoring program in order to identify areas of strength and weakness and develop a customized learning plan. Personal development: Some people may take an IQ test for personal development purposes, such as to learn more about their cognitive abilities or to identify areas where they may be able to improve.
How long does an IQ test usually take?
Test length can vary depending on the type of test and the individual being tested. It may only take 30 minutes for some tests, but it might take several hours for others. Most IQ tests are designed to be completed in one sitting and take between 60 and 90 minutes. During this time, the test administrator explains instructions, answers questions, and administers sub-tests and tasks. IQ tests are usually challenging and require a lot of concentration and mental effort to complete. It's important to stay focused and do your best, but you also need to take breaks as needed and pace yourself so you don't get too tired.
How Often Should I Take an IQ Test?
There is no specific frequency at which you should take an IQ test. Many people only take an IQ test once in their lifetime, while others take them more frequently for work or other reasons. It's worth noting that IQ scores are not meant to be static and can change over time. Age, education, and life experiences all affect cognitive abilities and can affect IQ test performance. As a result, you may get different results at different times.
Can a computer test your IQ?
Yes, it is possible for a computer to generate an IQ test. In fact, many modern IQ tests are administered and scored electronically, using software programs or online platforms. Computer-generated IQ tests measure a variety of cognitive skills, including logical reasoning, problem-solving, verbal aptitude, and mathematical aptitude. Multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, puzzles, and games are some examples. In the same way as traditional paper-and-pencil IQ tests, computer-generated tests measure cognitive abilities. They are typically scored according to a standard set of norms, using a process similar to that used for paper-and-pencil tests.
Can a Computer Do Better than a Human in an IQ Test?
Can a Computer Do Better than a Human in an IQ Test? It is possible for a computer to outperform a human on certain tasks or subtests that are included in an IQ test. The reason for this is that computers can process and analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, and they can perform specific tasks precisely. However, intelligence is more complex and multifaceted than one test or score can accurately measure. While computers may be able to outperform humans on certain tasks included in an IQ test, they are not necessarily more intelligent overall. Intelligence is a complex trait that cannot be accurately measured by a single test or score.
What is the minimum age for an IQ test?
There is no minimum age for taking an IQ test. Children as young as 3 or 4 years old may take some IQ tests designed specifically for them. Some tests are designed for adults and may be administered to anyone. You can take an IQ test at any age if you can understand and follow the instructions. It's probably not a good idea to give an IQ test to kids who are too young or can't concentrate for long periods. The IQ score can change over time, and it's not guaranteed to stay the same throughout a person's life. People's cognitive abilities can be affected by factors like age, education, and life experiences. Therefore, a person's IQ score can vary based on their age and how they take the test.
What Can I Do if I Have a High IQ Test Score?
If you have a high IQ, you might have exceptional cognitive abilities. Individuals with high IQ scores may have some advantages and opportunities. For example, people with high IQs are more likely to succeed in certain academic or professional fields that require advanced cognitive skills. They may also have an easier time learning new things and adapting to new situations. In the end, what someone does with a high IQ score depends on their interests, goals, and values. Many people with exceptional cognitive abilities pursue careers in science, engineering, or medicine, while others use their skills for more creative or artistic pursuits. High IQ people can take many different paths, but the most important thing is to find something meaningful and fulfilling.
Are there any special organizations or groups for people with high IQs?
There are several organizations that are specifically designed for people with high IQ scores or exceptional cognitive abilities. Members of these organizations often get resources, support, and networking opportunities, and they might also sponsor events or activities related to intellectual development. The following are some organizations for people with high IQs: Mensa: This is perhaps the most well-known organization for people with high IQ scores. Mensa is an international society that is open to anyone who scores in the top 2% of the general population on a standard IQ test. Mensa offers a variety of resources and activities for its members, including local groups, social events, and educational programs. The Prometheus Society: This is another organization for people with high IQ scores. The Prometheus Society is open to anyone who scores in the top 0.01% of the general population on a standard IQ test. It offers a variety of resources and activities for its members, including online forums, local groups, and intellectual challenges. Intertel: This organization is similar to Mensa and the Prometheus Society, but it is open to anyone who scores in the top 1% of the general population on a standard IQ test. Intertel offers a variety of resources and activities for its members, including online forums, local groups, and intellectual challenges. Membership in these organizations is by invitation only, and typically requires test scores or other documentation to prove you're qualified. Fees may also apply. Aside from these organizations, there are many other groups and organizations that may interest people with high IQ scores. Among them are academic societies, professional associations, and other groups.
Do high IQs predict other personality traits?
Some personality traits and IQ scores are weakly correlated. People with higher IQ scores tend to score higher on certain personality traits, such as openness to experience, curiosity, and adaptability. Also, these individuals may have a growth mindset, which is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be improved over time. The relationship between IQ and personality is complex and not fully understood. IQ scores may be correlated with certain personality traits, but they do not necessarily predict how someone will behave in every situation. Values, goals, and life experiences also influence a person's personality.
Do IQ Tests Have a Min or Max Score?
Most IQ tests do not have a Minimum or Maximum score. Instead, they are designed to measure a range of cognitive skills and abilities and produce a standard score with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. By doing this, test developers can compare an individual's performance to the performance of a large, representative sample of people. If an individual scores in the top 2% of the reference group on a particular task, their score would be higher than 98% of the reference group's score. This would put you in the highly gifted range with a standard score of 130 or higher.

General guide for answering IQ test questions

This guide will describe how you can:

  • Prepare yourself for taking an IQ test.
  • Answer the different types of questions that appear on most IQ tests, including our own test!
  • Manage your time in an IQ test so you can complete answering all the questions within the time limit.

But first, why do we recommend preparing for an IQ test at all? How can you know that preparation is useful for you?

In short, it’s all about becoming quicker in your abilities.

Building Speed

IQ tests can be divided into two great classes, sometimes called speed and power tests.
Power tests are difficult enough that most people won’t succeed no matter how long they took. In this case, success means solving the problem.

On the other hand, speed tests are pretty easy, so almost anyone can do them. Success here is measured by how fast the solution is. The score is the number of items that can be completed within a set time limit, like 30 minutes; the time limit is the number of items that can be solved in that time.
Most tests combine both types of items.

In the past, people thought they measured two types of intelligence: profound and superficial. An experiment shows that both types of tests succeed equally because of the speed of thinking.
Slow thinkers have no chance of ever solving a complex problem since by the time they consider one aspect, they forget all the others.

Speed is important since we can only hold so many ideas in short-term memory, and if we take too long, we’ll lose them. Intelligence seems to be determined by the speed of cognitive processing.
So let’s see how to increase your speed by preparing cleverly.

Preparing for the test

The best way to prepare for an IQ test is to familiarize yourself with the test and its structure before taking it.

Know first that there are different kinds of questions composing an IQ test. These are:

  1. Numerical reasoning – these are questions involving the ability to analyze numerical patterns logically and quickly
  2. Logical reasoning – these are questions that ask you to draw conclusions from premises and from relations between premises
  3. Verbal intelligence – these questions examine your ability to understand words and solve problems using combinations of words.
  4. Spatial intelligence – these are questions that look at your ability to process visual data effectively.

So, preparing for an IQ test means figuring out how to answer each of these types of questions.

1. Let’s start with Numerical Reasoning:

Even if you don’t consider yourself a lover of math or numbers, you can still solve each question in this part correctly.

The level of mathematics in an IQ test is basic, and focuses on quick thinking using a few simple concepts.

If you haven’t cracked open a math book in years, that’s okay. The best thing to do is look at an example test first and see the type of questions there to figure out what things you should learn.

Every test uses the same concepts, so you can only freshen up on the ones that you can tell immediately that you need to revisit.

Use these tips as guidelines for approaching the numerical part of the test:

  1. Brush up on basic math skills: Review basic math concepts such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Make sure you are comfortable with performing calculations quickly and accurately.
  2. Practice with sample questions: Practice answering numerical reasoning questions with sample test materials or practice tests. This will help you become familiar with the types of questions that are typically asked, and will help you develop your problem-solving skills.
  3. Learn to interpret graphs and charts: Many numerical reasoning questions involve interpreting graphs and charts. Make sure you understand how to read and analyze different types of graphs and charts, and practice interpreting them.
  4. Be familiar with different concepts: Be familiar with concepts like percentages, ratios, rates, and averages. Often times these questions could be disguised as word problems,
  5. Pay attention to details: Numerical reasoning questions often contain important details that can change the way a question is answered. Make sure you read the questions carefully and understand all the information provided.
  6. Estimate first: Sometimes the questions may be too time-consuming to solve with exact methods, in those cases an estimation would help you to understand if it is worth solving it exactly.
  7. Practice mental math: Speed and accuracy are important when answering numerical reasoning questions. Practice performing quick mental calculations to improve your ability to work with numbers quickly.

Try solving several tests along with these tips to see exactly how you progress. You will find yourself completing the numerical reasoning part faster and more accurately each time.

2. The next is logical reasoning

Logical reasoning questions test your ability to think critically and make logical conclusions based on given information.

These questions are all about analyzing arguments, identifying patterns, and making inferences.

There are several different types of logical reasoning questions, each of which tests a different aspect of critical thinking and logical reasoning skills. Some examples include:

  • Syllogisms: These questions present two statements (or premises) and ask you to draw a conclusion based on them.
  • Deduction: These questions present a set of rules or facts and ask you to use them to reach a conclusion. An example of a deduction is:
  • Inference: These questions present information and ask you to infer what is likely to be true based on the information provided.
  • Logical puzzles: These questions present a problem, or scenario, and ask you to use logical reasoning to solve it.

An example for an answer based on logical deduction is: All birds are animals. All pelicans are birds. Therefore, all pelicans are animals.

The key to cracking the logic behind all of these logical reasoning questions, is using a systematic approach.

Use these guidelines when preparing and solving logical reasoning questions:

  1.  Read the question and figure out the types of logical reasoning questions: syllogisms, deduction, inference, and logical puzzles. Familiarize yourself with the different types of logical reasoning questions that may be asked.
  2. Practice with sample questions: Practice answering logical reasoning questions with sample test materials or practice tests. This will help you become familiar with the types of questions that are typically asked and will help you develop your problem-solving skills.
  3. Learn to analyze arguments: Many logical reasoning questions involve analyzing arguments. Make sure you understand how to identify the premises and conclusions of an argument, and how to evaluate the strength of an argument.
  4. Learn to recognize patterns: Logical reasoning questions often involve recognizing patterns. Practice identifying patterns in sequences, numbers, and shapes to improve your ability to recognize patterns in logical reasoning questions.
  5. Pay attention to details: Logical reasoning questions often contain important details that can change the way a question is answered. Make sure you read the questions carefully and understand all the information provided.
  6. Be familiar with common fallacies: Be familiar with common fallacies such as ad hominem attacks, hasty generalizations, and false dilemmas. These fallacies can appear in logical reasoning questions, so it is important to be able to recognize them and understand how they can weaken an argument.
  7. Practice critical thinking: Logical reasoning questions require critical thinking skills. Practice analyzing and evaluating information, making inferences, and drawing conclusions to improve your critical thinking skills.

3. The next type of questions are called verbal intelligence questions

Verbal reasoning questions test how well you understand written language. They check your ability to interpret, analyze, and draw conclusions from written material.

Questions might follow a passage of text to see how well you understand it.

The verbal understanding questions might also require you to reason and infer from given information, or at times, simply ask you to jumble letters and find the word that arises as a result.

Some people think that reading many books will help them with this part of the test. This is most common with people taking the test in a language other than their mother tongue.

While it is important that you are able to read a whole book in the language in which you’re tested, it’s not about the quantity but the quality, since the questions are often short and ask you to follow a specific set of rules.

Here are the best techniques to prepare for the verbal intelligence portion of the test:

  1. Practice reading comprehension: To do well on verbal reasoning questions, you need to be able to understand and accurately interpret a wide variety of texts, such as news articles, novels, and academic papers, and by actively engaging with the material as you read. When reading a news article, for example, try to identify the main idea and key details, and think about how the different parts of the text relate to each other.
  2. Learn to identify key words: Pay attention to key words and phrases in the questions and the text, as these will often give you clues about what is being asked. Words like “infer”, “imply”, and “suggest” indicate that you need to draw a conclusion from the information provided. “Contrast” and “compare” mean you should look for differences and similarities. “Explain” and “justify” require you to provide a more in-depth analysis.
  3. Practice analyzing and evaluating arguments: Verbal reasoning questions often ask you to analyze and evaluate arguments. To do this, you need to be able to identify the main points, supporting evidence, and assumptions of the argument. You should also consider whether the argument is well-reasoned and whether the evidence is sufficient to support the conclusion.
  4. Use the process of elimination: If you are unsure of the answer to a question, try using the process of elimination to narrow down your options. Cross off any answer choices that you know are definitely wrong, and then use the remaining information to make an educated guess.
  5. Stay calm and focused: Verbal reasoning questions can be challenging, but it’s important to stay calm and focused. Take your time and read the questions and text carefully. Don’t be afraid to take a break if you need to – it’s better to take a moment to regroup than to rush through and make mistakes.

4. The last type of questions are spatial intelligence questions

Spatial intelligence questions test your ability to understand and manipulate visual information.

These can include questions about visualizing 3-dimensional objects, understanding maps and plans, and solving problems that involve visual-spatial relationships.

Here are some example of spatial intelligence questions:

  • Imagine a cube is placed in front of you. How would you rotate it in your mind to see the back side?
  • If you would mentally fold this piece of paper, what shape would it create?
  • If you were lost in an unfamiliar city, how would you use a map to find your way to a specific destination?

These questions are designed to check your ability to think visually and spatially, which is an important skill in fields such as architecture, engineering, and graphic design.

Here are some tips on how to prepare for and answer spatial intelligence questions:

  1. Understand the types of spatial intelligence questions: Spatial intelligence questions can come in many forms, such as visual puzzles, mental rotation tasks, and spatial relations problems. Look up IQ tests and familiarize yourself with the different types of spatial intelligence questions that appear in the test.
  2. Practice with sample questions: Practice answering spatial intelligence questions with sample test materials or practice tests. This will help you become familiar with the types of questions that are typically asked, and will help you develop your problem-solving skills. Start solving without a time limit, and add a time limit gradually once you get the hang of things.
  3. Learn to visualize: Spatial intelligence questions often involve visualizing objects in different orientations or positions. Practice visualizing objects in different orientations or positions to improve your ability to manipulate visual information.
  4. Learn to recognize patterns: Spatial intelligence questions often involve recognizing patterns in visual information. Practice identifying patterns in sequences, numbers, and shapes to improve your ability to recognize patterns in spatial intelligence questions.
  5. Practice mental rotation: Mental rotation tasks are common in spatial intelligence questions. Practice mentally rotating objects to improve your ability to manipulate visual information.
  6. Practice spatial visualization: Practice visualizing objects and scenes in 3D, mentally manipulating them and trying to imagine the different perspectives.
  7. Learn to interpret maps and diagrams: Many spatial intelligence questions involve interpreting maps and diagrams. Make sure you understand how to read and interpret different types of maps and diagrams.

Preparing for the test

An IQ test is eventually a multiple choice test. Thich means that you will always be fancied with the right answer and need to realize that the rest are incorrect.

You can start eliminating wrong answers while reading the question, thus buying you valuable time.

Multiple choice tests often present sets of 4 answers, which typically contain:

  • One wrong answer: An answer that is opposite or reversed from the correct answer
  • One unrelated answer: An answer that seems to be illogical in relation to the question
  • One answer that seems correct but contains or omits a bit of information, which makes it not entirely correct.
  • One correct answer, which fits best as the solution to the question.

The best way to target the correct answer is to first eliminate the more obviously wrong 2 answers, and only leave out the 2 that are closer to the solution.

For example:

  3. JUDGE is to LAWYER

A CEO is the head of a company, in charge of an employee and superior to him in their work hierarchy.
With this relation, we can immediately dismiss answer (4) for being wrong, and answer (2) for being irrelevant.

Which leaves us plenty of time to decide whether (1) or (3) display the closest relation as that of CEO to EMPLOYEE.

Let’s solve it:

While in answer (3) the judge is similarly superior to the lawyer in the courtroom, there is not a real hierarchical chain between the two since they perform different tasks. And so answer (1) is the correct one, since it maintains all the relations of CEO to employee.

Using this technique for solving the test will buy you more time and give you confidence when marking your answers.

Managing your time during an IQ test

Here is a guide on how to manage your time while taking an IQ test:

  1. Understand the format of the test: Before taking the test, familiarize yourself with the format of the test. This will help you understand how much time you have to complete each section, and how much time you should spend on each question.
  2. Prioritize the questions: When you begin the test, start by answering the questions that you are most confident about. This will help you build momentum and increase your chances of finishing the test on time.
  3. Use the process of elimination: For questions that you are unsure about, use the process of elimination to narrow down the options. This can help you make educated guesses, and can also save you time by eliminating options that you know are incorrect.
  4. Keep an eye on the clock: Keep track of the time as you are taking the test. If you find yourself running out of time, prioritize completing the sections that have the most points available and leave the other for later.
  5. Practice time management: Before taking the test, practice taking similar tests or timed practice tests to help you develop your time management skills.
  6. Stay calm and focused: IQ tests can be stressful, so it’s important to stay calm and focused while taking the test. Taking deep breaths, staying positive and focusing on one question at a time can help you maintain your concentration and use your time more efficiently.
  7. Do not spend too much time on a single question: If you are struggling with a question, do not spend too much time on it. Instead, move on to the next question and come back to it later if you have time.
  8. Be honest with yourself: If you are running out of time and cannot complete all the questions, be honest with yourself and submit the test. Do not waste time guessing, since this can negatively affect your score.

Here are some more important tips to use while solving the test:

  1. Read the question carefully: Make sure you understand what is being asked before attempting to answer the question. If necessary, reread the question or ask for clarification.
  2. Break down the question: Identify the key information in the question and look for clues or patterns that may help you solve the problem.
  3. Use your knowledge and skills: Draw on your existing knowledge and skills to help you answer the question. This might include your math skills, your vocabulary, or your ability to think logically.
  4. Think outside the box: Some IQ test questions may require you to think creatively or outside the box. Don’t be afraid to try different approaches or think creatively.
  5. Eliminate wrong answers: If you are unsure of the correct answer, try eliminating wrong answers to narrow down your options.
  6. Check your work: If time allows, review your work to make sure it is accurate and complete.

Final tip

Above all, enjoy the tests like you would a crossword puzzle.

The fact that you’re taking an IQ test suggests you have an IQ over 100 – few people with low IQs take mental tests like this!

The experience you gain from doing these tests will give you, above all, the confidence of knowing what to expect when taking an IQ test.